
Discov­er Heil­bronn during city tours and wine tastings

In order to show our guests of the 68th GMDS Annu­al Meet­ing not only the Bildungscam­pus, exper­i­men­ta (at the evening recep­tion) and Harmonie (at the social evening), but also to provide an authen­tic insight into Heil­bronn and its inhab­i­tants, we will offer vari­ous city tours as well as relaxed strolling wine tast­ings during the conference.

Note: The tours are conduct­ed in German language


“Harmo­nious” social evening

“Harmo­nious” social evening The tradi­tion­al GMDS social evening will take place on 19 Septem­ber at the Harmonie event centre in Heil­bronn city centre. As usual, the GMDS Allstars will provide the best atmos­phere with their perfor­mance. In addi­tion to a varied buffet, guests will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy exclu­sive wines. An anniver­sary cuvée white



Evening recep­tion in the experimenta

Evening recep­tion in the exper­i­men­ta The evening recep­tion for the guests of the 68th GMDS Annu­al Confer­ence will take place at exper­i­men­ta, the science centre in Heil­bronn that allows visi­tors of all ages to expe­ri­ence science and tech­nol­o­gy. From 5.30 p.m. an exhi­bi­tion floor will be opened espe­cial­ly for our guests, where you can explore
