T10 — FAIR-Datenmanagement-Tools in der biomedi­zinis­chen Forschung

Day, Time, Duration

Thurs­day morn­ing, 9 am‑1 pm, 4h

Language offered


Short Descrip­tion

With­in the frame­work of the GMDS AG “FAIR Data Infra­struc­tures for Biomed­ical Infor­mat­ics” and NFDI4Health, the Depart­ment of Medical Infor­mat­ics at the Univer­si­ty Medical Center Göttin­gen, in close collab­o­ra­tion with sever­al part­ner sites, is devel­op­ing and inte­grat­ing FAIR process­es and tools to sustain­ably manage research data from trans­la­tion­al to clin­i­cal research. Although the compo­nents are specif­i­cal­ly tailored to our use cases, they can be easi­ly trans­ferred to other scenar­ios in biomed­ical research. Tuto­r­i­al partic­i­pants will gain insights into success­ful­ly imple­ment­ed tool setups in select­ed biomed­ical use cases (e.g., in oncol­o­gy, cardi­ol­o­gy, and neuro­science). We will also focus on the connec­tiv­i­ty of our approach­es to nation­al and inter­na­tion­al stan­dard­iza­tion initia­tives. In addi­tion, we will provide hands-on exer­cis­es with select­ed tools from our port­fo­lio to help work­shop partic­i­pants apply them in their research context. Final­ly, we will discuss chal­lenges and obsta­cles that need further research to overcome.

Current agen­da:

  • FAIRDOM-SEEK concept, demo and new features (Xiaom­ing Hu, Heidelberg)
  • NFDI4Health Local Data Hub Demo (Toralf Kirsten, Leipzig)
  • UMG Göttin­gen Research data plat­form concept (Robert Kossen, Harald Kusch, Göttingen)
  • Vorstel­lung GMDS AG „FAIRe Daten­in­fra­struk­turen für die Biomedi­zinis­che Infor­matik“ (Harald Kusch)


Ulrich Sax


Insti­tute for Medical Infor­mat­ics, Univer­si­ty Hospi­tal Göttingen


ulrich.sax [at] med.uni-goettingen.de

Addi­tion­al Speaker

Harald Kusch


Insti­tute for Medical Infor­mat­ics, Univer­si­ty Hospi­tal Göttingen