{"id":3913,"date":"2023-06-13T10:50:51","date_gmt":"2023-06-13T08:50:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.gmds2023.de\/liv-learning-informing-networking-the-library-on-the-bildungscampus\/"},"modified":"2023-06-13T10:51:01","modified_gmt":"2023-06-13T08:51:01","slug":"liv-learning-informing-networking-the-library-on-the-bildungscampus","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.gmds2023.de\/en\/liv-learning-informing-networking-the-library-on-the-bildungscampus\/","title":{"rendered":"LIV: Learn\u00ading, Inform\u00ading, Network\u00ading \u2014 The Library on the Bildungscampus"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

LIV: Learn\u00ading, Inform\u00ading, Network\u00ading \u2014 The Library on the Bildungscampus<\/h2>\n\n

Since its open\u00ading in Octo\u00adber 2019, the LIV has taken a clear look at the future and focus\u00ades on inno\u00adva\u00adtion. Gain inter\u00adest\u00ading insights in just 30 minutes on a guid\u00aded tour of our LIV. A special feature of the library is that it is respon\u00adsi\u00adble not only for Heil\u00adbronn Univer\u00adsi\u00adty, but also for the Baden W\u00fcrt\u00adtem\u00adberg Coop\u00ader\u00ada\u00adtive State Univer\u00adsi\u00adty, repre\u00adsent\u00aded at the campus by the Heil\u00adbronn Study Acad\u00ade\u00admy and the Center for Advanced Stud\u00adies, as well as for TUM at the Heil\u00adbronn campus.<\/p>\n\n

Topic 1: A sustain\u00adable library. Basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of design<\/h3>\n\n

LIV at Bildungscam\u00adpus is not only a unique central insti\u00adtu\u00adtion of sever\u00adal univer\u00adsi\u00adties and univer\u00adsi\u00adty types, but also sees itself as a library of the future. Get an insight into the basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of the build\u00ading design and learn what makes a library fit for the future in a guid\u00aded tour of approx. 30 minutes.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n

Topic 2: Tech\u00adnol\u00ado\u00adgy in LIV. Target\u00aded use of resources<\/h3>\n\n

Digi\u00adtal\u00adi\u00adsa\u00adtion, scarci\u00adty of resources, short\u00adage of skilled work\u00aders \u2014 just a few buzz\u00adwords of the current social discus\u00adsion. We will show you how LIV is facing these chal\u00adlenges in a half-hour guid\u00aded tour with a focus on the use of RFID and record\u00ading technology.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n

Topic 3: Learn\u00ading in the LIV. Work\u00adplace diver\u00adsi\u00adty for all<\/h3>\n\n

LIV. learn. Inform. network \u2014 this is the name of the library at the Bildungscam\u00adpus. Why so much empha\u00adsis is placed on the aspect of \u201clearn\u00ading\u201d and what work\u00ading and learn\u00ading situ\u00ada\u00adtions can look like is demon\u00adstrat\u00aded by the LIV at its more than 650 work\u00adplaces of vari\u00adous kinds and the numer\u00adous oppor\u00adtu\u00adni\u00adties to spend time in the light-flooded glass building.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n

The tours will take place at the end of each session from 12.40 p.m. to 1.10 p.m. during the lunch break, leav\u00ading enough time for a visit to the cafe\u00adte\u00adria.\nPlease note: The guid\u00aded tours will all be held in German.<\/p>\n\n

Further infor\u00adma\u00adtion:<\/strong><\/p>\n\n