T10 – FAIR data manage­ment tools in biome­di­cal research

Tag, Uhrzeit, Dauer

Donners­tag­vor­mit­tag, 9–13 Uhr, 4h, Raum: N.0.21 (Stand­ort: N – 12)

Ange­bo­te­ne Sprache



In the contexts of the GMDS AG „FAIRe Daten­in­fra­struk­tu­ren für die Biome­di­zi­ni­sche Informatik„and NFDI4Health, in close coope­ra­ti­on with seve­ral part­ner sites, the Depart­ment of Medi­cal Infor­ma­tics of the Univer­si­ty Medi­cal Center Göttin­gen deve­lo­ps and inte­gra­tes FAIR proces­ses and tools to sustain­ab­ly mana­ge rese­arch data from trans­la­tio­nal to clini­cal rese­arch. Although speci­fi­cal­ly adopted to our use cases the compon­ents can easi­ly be adopted to other scena­ri­os in biome­di­cal rese­arch. Tuto­ri­al parti­ci­pan­ts will gain insights into the successful­ly imple­men­ted tool setups in selec­ted biome­di­cal use cases (e.g. in onco­lo­gy, cardio­lo­gy and neuro­sci­ence). We will also focus on the connec­ti­vi­ty of our approa­ches regar­ding natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal stan­dar­diza­ti­on initia­ti­ves. In addi­ti­on, we will offer hands-on exer­ci­s­es with selec­ted tools from our port­fo­lio to faci­li­ta­te their appli­ca­ti­on in the rese­arch contexts of the work­shop atten­de­es. Final­ly, we will discuss chal­lenges and road blocks that requi­re further rese­arch to be proper­ly addressed.

Current agen­da:

  • FAIRDOM-SEEK concept, demo and new features (Xiao­ming Hu, Heidelberg)
  • NFDI4Health Local Data Hub Demo (Toralf Kirs­ten, Leipzig)
  • UMG Göttin­gen Rese­arch data plat­form concept (Robert Kossen, Harald Kusch, Göttingen)
  • Vorstel­lung GMDS AG „FAIRe Daten­in­fra­struk­tu­ren für die Biome­di­zi­ni­sche Infor­ma­tik“ (Harald Kusch)


Ulrich Sax


Insti­tut für Medi­zi­ni­sche Infor­ma­tik, Univer­si­täts­kli­ni­kum Göttingen


ulrich.sax [at] med.uni-goettingen.de

Zusätz­li­cher Referent

Harald Kusch


Insti­tut für Medi­zi­ni­sche Infor­ma­tik, Univer­si­täts­kli­ni­kum Göttingen